Canadian Rocket Store


Water Rocket Fin Set [q7322]


Water Rocket Fin Set


Engineered for a perfect fit - and perfect alignment!

These rigid foam fins are die-cut from a unique rigid foam material that is super light weight, yet has a thin skin on both surfaces for strength. Much more rigid and sturdy than foam meat trays...

Each fin is precisely cut to fit into a center ring. After all three fins have been slid into place and the alignment carefully checked, you apply a fillet of low temp hot melt glue to each fin/ring joint. This allows you to get perfect alignment each time.

And for the SAFEST fin attachment system ever, the completed fin unit is held onto your PET bottle by the molded rocket nozzle (#7321). Fins are NOT glued to the surface of the PET bottle.

  • Manufactured by: Quest by Aerotech

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