Canadian Rocket Store


IRIS Semroc Rocket Kit


IRIS Semroc Rocket Kit


Skill Level: 1

Another addition to Semroc's Line of Deci-Scale kits. The Iris is another nice beginner's scale model, with an interesting roll pattern that is unique to the Iris.

The Deci-Scale kits are intended to be fun to build, providing the beginning average modeler with all the parts needed to build a reasonably close scale model. An advanced scale modeler will find the included parts are very close to the exact scale that are needed for much closer models. The Deci-scale™ line was inspired by G. Harry Stine who said, "the best beginner’s scale model I've ever found is the Thiokol-NASA I.Q.S.Y Tomahawk." He designed a 1/10 scale model for Centuri Engineering Company that was very popular and sold for many years.


Precision Turned Balsa nose cone, laser-cut balsa fins and parts, Parachute Recovery, Waterslide decals


  • Length: 23.8" (60.4 cm)
  • Diameter: 1.17"
  • Weight: 1.3 oz. (36.9 g)
  • Motor Mount: 18 mm.
  • Projected Max Altitude: 950 ft. (310 m)

Recommended Engines:

A8-3, B6-4, C6-5

  • Manufactured by: Semroc

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