Canadian Rocket Store


Scissor Wing Transport Rocket Kit


Scissor Wing Transport Rocket Kit


  • 1974 Retro Reproduction
  • Precision-Turned Balsa Nose Cone
  • Laser Cut Balsa and Basswood Fins
  • Colorful Water Slide Decals
  • Heavy Duty Body Tubes
  • Streamer and Glide Recovery

Skill Level: 3


  • Length: 23.5" (60 cm)
  • Diameter: 1" (2.5 cm)
  • Weight: 1.9 oz (53.8 g)
  • Motor Mount: 18 mm.

Recommended Engines:

B4-2, B6-2, C6-3, D16-4

The Estes Scissor Wing Transport was first introduced in the 1974 catalog. It remained in the catalog until 1985. In 2005 it re-appeared again and stayed until 2008. It featured an internal pop pod that was ejected at engine burn out which released the wing to transition from boost to glide configuration.
The Semroc Reproduction Scissor Wing Transport is very close to the original with some modern changes. The original balsa nose cone is kept. All fins are precision laser-cut balsa with slots located to allow parts to come together perfectly straight and in the proper location. The Wing pivot has been re-engineered and is being made from Basswood so as to be more rugged than it’s Plastic predecessor. We have also upgraded to beefier body tubes.

  • Manufactured by: Semroc

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