Canadian Rocket Store


29mm Reload Adapter System [aro29RAS]


29mm Reload Adapter System


This unit is intended to be used in 180 or larger casings to fit reloads for smaller casings. It is not designed to fit 60 or 100 reloads in 120 or larger casings.

The Reload Adapter System, allows the use of shorter (lower power) RMS reload kits within a specific motor casing, reducing the number of cases necessary to fly a wide range of AeroTech reloads. The RAS consists of three components: A "floating" forward closure that can be positioned anywhere inside the length of an RMS casing; one or more tubular "case spacers" that sit immediately forward of the closure; and a threaded retaining ring that holds the assembly together.

The standard retaining rings have a large opening that permits the ejection charge end of the floating forward closure to protrude beyond the end of the case when no case spacers are being used. The floating forward closures have been designed with deeper ejection charge wells that accept heavier weight ejection charges and also allow the placement of the ejection charge cap within the well instead of only on top of it.

Existing AeroTech reload kits can be loaded into RMS motors using the RAS with no modifications necessary. All reload kit parts are used in their familiar positions and configuration.

The primary advantage to using the adapter system is cost. Consumers will be able to fly reloads spanning a range of four or more cases by using only two RMS casings. This translates to a hardware savings of about 50$ for the 29mm motors. A slight disadvantage is that 29mm motors loaded with the RAS will be approximately 1.77" longer and 28 grams heavier per case spacer used. A maximum of two case spacers can be installed in a particular motor.


  • Manufactured by: Aerotech Consumer Aerospace

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