Canadian Rocket Store


Star Hopper Bulk Pack (12) [est1721]


Star Hopper Bulk Pack (12)


Skill Level: Beginner

We did it! An amazingly cool looking beginner model rocket that doesn’t require any glue or tools to build! Star Hopper is the answer for Cub Scouts and other younger rocketeers. They can have the fun of building without the frustration of dripping glue and aligning fins! Star Hooper assures your kids have a first class model rocketry experience!


  • Length: 7.4 in (18.8 cm)
  • Diameter: 0.74 in (19 mm)
  • Estimated Weight: 0.73 oz (20.7 g)
  • Projected Max Altitude: 400 ft. (122 m)
  • Recovery: Streamer
Everything in this section is needed to build and fly this rocketPriceAdd to Cart
Complete Launch System by Estes$57.95Buy
24 Estes 1/2A3-4T Rocket Engines. Bulk Pack$130.35Buy
4 pack of 1.5 v ProCell AA batteries$4.95Buy
You may also need spare ignitersPriceAdd to Cart
Estes StarTech Igniters (6 pack)$10.15Buy

 Assembly Instructions

Construction Video*

* This video does not substitute the instructions provided with rocket. The videos below provided by an independent builder and some steps are not exactly as per instructions.

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