Canadian Rocket Store


Nylon Streamers

Streamers are a great alternative to parachutes when flying rockets on a smaller field, or on a windy day. Replace that parachute with a streamer and avoid that dreaded, long recovery walk. Nylon chutes are best for most low-power rockets where the weight is not a concern. Larger streamers can be used as drogue.

Plastic Parachutes
Plastic Parachutes
Nylon Parachutes
Chutes with a spill hole
Chutes with a spill hole
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2 x 20 Neon Orange Nylon Streamer
2 x 20 Neon Orange Nylon Streamer
This is a high-quality 2" wide by 20" long streamer for use with a hobby rocket. These quality recovery devices are neon orange, which is great for...


4 x 40 Neon Orange Nylon Streamer
4 x 40 Neon Orange Nylon Streamer
This is a high-quality 4" wide by 40" long streamer for use with a hobby rocket. These quality recovery devices are neon orange, which is great for...


6 x 60 Neon Orange Nylon Streamer
6 x 60 Neon Orange Nylon Streamer
This is a high-quality 6" wide by 60" long streamer for use with a hobby rocket. These quality recovery devices are neon orange, which is great for...