Canadian Rocket Store


Positive motor Retention

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Back to Motor Retention
These motor retainers are attached to a lower centering ring and are great for retrofitting your rocket, or using it in the configurations where use of standard retainer is not practical. It is sometimes ideal to use these retainers in larger mounts equipped with motor adapters.

24mm Motor Retainer (2924)
24mm Motor Retainer (2924)
24mm Motor Retainer. For airframes 2.2" (54 mm) and up. Both the 24mm and 29mm motor retainers have the same mounting hole arrangement which allows...


29mm Motor Retainer
29mm Motor Retainer
29mm Motor Retainer. For airframes 2.2" (54 mm) and up. Both the 24mm and 29mm motor retainers have the same mounting hole arrangement which allows...


29mm Motor Retainer (3829)
29mm Motor Retainer (3829)
29mm Motor Retainer. For airframes 3" and up. Both the 3829mm and 38mm motor retainers have the same mounting hole arrangement which allows both...


38mm Motor Retainer
38mm Motor Retainer
38mm Motor Retainer. For airframes 3" and up. Both the 3829mm and 38mm motor retainers have the same mounting hole arrangement which allows both...