Close Proximity Recovery

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deployment module?
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charge hardware.
What is CPR? CPR is an altimeter based, two step parachute deployment system. Using a dual-deployment altimeter, the first chute (a small drogue) is deployed at apogee allowing for a fast but controlled descent. At a user selectable altitude the altimeter fires a second charge deploying the main chute allowing for a soft landing.
The altimeter is centrally located in a special compartment within the main airframe. The drogue chute is ejected from a split-point in the airframe just above the fin/motor section while the main is ejected at the nose cone. Both chutes are deployed using Piston Ejection System.
Just two simple yet strong anodized aluminum parts hold the altimeter and ejection charge cylinders as a self contained unit. Prep the assembly on a table, slip it into your rocket, screw the airframes together, and launch. Once assembled, the altimeter/charge cylinder assembly can be easily moved to another CPR3000 rocket, making it easy (and cost-effective, since you only need one altimeter) to fly CPR3000.
CPR3000 Features
The altimeter is centrally located in a special compartment within the main airframe. The drogue chute is ejected from a split-point in the airframe just above the fin/motor section while the main is ejected at the nose cone. Both chutes are deployed using Piston Ejection System.
Just two simple yet strong anodized aluminum parts hold the altimeter and ejection charge cylinders as a self contained unit. Prep the assembly on a table, slip it into your rocket, screw the airframes together, and launch. Once assembled, the altimeter/charge cylinder assembly can be easily moved to another CPR3000 rocket, making it easy (and cost-effective, since you only need one altimeter) to fly CPR3000.
CPR3000 Features
- Strong Aluminum Threaded Airframe Coupler
- Fiberglass Altimeter and Mounting Tubes
- Robust 6A Safety switch included
- Ejection Charge Cylinders included
- Snap-in charge holders and o-rings prevent ejection gas leaking into altimeter bay
- Use e-matches or flashbulbs (flashbulb charge holders are available at additional cost)
- Uses soft plastic caps to retain BP charge, not paper and tape.
Choose your CPR3000 module below, or take a look at other modules we carry:
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Charge Cylinder Cap. 12 Pack
Charge cylinder cap, snaps onto charge cylinder to retain ejection charge. Sold in packs of 12; 2 used per flight.
CPR 3000 Component. 12 Altimeter O-Rings
Package of 12 CPR3000 altimeter system O-rings; 6 fore, 6 aft. Enough for 12 CPR flights (PML recommends each fore and aft altimeter assembly O-ring...
CPR 3000 Component. One O-Ring for 2.1" Airframe
This replacement O-ring is installed on the CPR 3000 Airframe Coupler. Replace as required.
CPR 3000 Component. One O-Ring for 2.5" Airframe
This replacement O-ring is installed on the CPR 3000 Airframe Coupler. Replace as required.